lunes, 23 de enero de 2017

Preguntas orales (parte de la rutina diaria)

Las siguientes preguntas forman parte de la rutina diaria. Para quienes tengan interés en practicar con sus hijos en casa. CORRESPONDEN A LAS UNIDADES 1 a 4. 

Lo subrayado en naranja son las preguntas. Lo subrayado en azul muestra la estructura de posibles respuetas "modelo". 

What's your name? (1º primaria) My name is....
How old are you? (1º primaria) I'm ..... years old. 
How are you? (1º primaria) I'm fine thank you. And you?
What's his name? His name is....
What's her name? Her name is..... 
What's your favourite subject? (1º primaria) My favourite subject is....
Do you go rollerblading? (cycling, etc…) Yes, I do. // No, I don't. 
Do you play football? (basketball, etc..) Yes, I do. // No, I don't. 
Do you play any sport? Yes, I do. // No, I don't. I play football/basketball/tennis. -- I go rollerblading.
What's your favourite sport? My favourite sport is.... 
What's your friend's favourite sport? His…./Her…. favourite sport is...
How many seasons are there? There are 4 seasons
How many days are there in a week? There are 7 days in a week. 
How many minutes are there in a hour? There are 60 minutes in a hour. 
How many  months are there in a year? There are 12 months in a year. 
How many days are there in a year? There are 365 days in a year. 
What's the weather like? (1º primaria) It's sunny/cloudy/foggy, etc... 
Do you like football? (tennis, etc) Yes, I do.// No, I don't. 
What sports does "Beth" play? She plays…./goes…
What sports does "Jake" play? He plays…/goes…
Can I have a/an/ some…. , please? Yes, of course. Here you  are. It's .... cents.// They're ....cents. 
Do you like bananas? (1º primaria) Yes, I do. // No, I don't. 
How much are these? They are.... cents. 
How much is this? It's ..... cents. 
What do you have for breakfast? I have milk for breakfast.  
What do you have for lunch? I have pizza for lunch. 
What do you have for dinner? I have fish for dinner. 
What's your favourite food? My favourite food is.... 
 What is the boy's name? His name is...
What is the girls' name?Her name is... 
How old is the boy? He's ... years old. 
How old is the girl?She's ... years old. 
How many "apples" are there?There are.... apples. 
What's the "dog's" name? His name is...
What number is this? It's .... 
Point to number "forty-eight". 
Has it got "big ears"? Yes, it has. // No, it hasn't. 
Have they got "two legs"? Yes, they have// No, they havent'. 
Describe  a lion. (It's got… It is…. )
What's your favourite animal? My favourite animal is... 
Can it swim? (jump/climb, etc…) Yes, it can// No, it can't. 
What colour are the goldfish? They are.... 
Have you got any pet?  Yes, I have.// No, I haven't. I've got..... 
What are you doing? I'm climbing a tree....
Are you running? Swimming? Climbing?Yes, I am.// No, I'm not. 
What's she doing? She's swimming...
What's he doing? He's running... 

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